Should Multiple Pets Have Multiple Pet Feeders?
Should Multiple Pets Have Multiple Pet Feeders?
If You Have Multiple Pets, Do You Need Multiple Pet Feeders?
If you have more than one pet, you may be wondering if you should have more than one smart pet feeder? After all, pet feeders are highly convenient for keeping all your furry friends fed and happy. If you have multiple pets, keep reading to find out the perks of having multiple pet feeders.
Pet Ownership in America
According to the American Pet Products Association, as of 2024, 82 million U.S. households own a pet. They report that 58 million households own at least one dog, followed by 40 million households who own at least one cat.
It begs the question: how do pawrents with multiple pets manage to keep up with multiple feeding schedules? After all, many Americans with full-time jobs must leave their homes for at least 8 hours a day. How are these owners feeding their dogs and cats in a timely and accurate manner?
What Are the Benefits of Having Multiple Pets?
The more pets, the more cuddles, right? Pets bring us a lot of joy. Coming home to a sweet meow or playful bark after a long day always draws a smile because these sounds mean you’re in your happy place. Pets fill our spaces with laughter and remind us that every bad day can be remedied with a little mischief and fun.
Having multiple pets may also be good for their socialization. Many types of pets are social creatures and need interaction with other animals. Just like humans, pets need to learn how to make friends. Pets living all by themselves, especially if their owners leave for work, may experience loneliness and exhibit disruptive behaviors due to consistent isolation.
Pets also help each other expend energy. Even if they’re stuck inside on a rainy day, they can play, chase each other around, and wrestle so they don’t feel pent up.
What Are the Challenges of Having Multiple Pets?
Adding a new pet to your household is always exciting, but it also demands a lot of research.
A few questions to ask when considering growing your multi-pet household:
- Does your prospective pet suit your current household? For example, if you have a cat who rarely interacts with dogs, springing a barking baby brother on them might not be the best idea.
- Do you think your prospective pet will make a good friend for your current pet? Just like humans, animals appreciate a compatible roommate. Consider your pet’s personality and find a good friend for them.
- What’s your plan of introduction? When adding a new face to the mix, it’s important to let everyone adjust slowly. Supervise a few playdates in advance to see how your pets get along and make sure to maintain your position as the head of the household.
Another challenge of owning multiple pets is scheduling mealtimes. How do you make sure everyone gets fed the proper amount at the right time? What if you’re not home to feed them?
Consistency is important for a well-regulated pet. Feeding them at the same time every day will strengthen the trust between you and your pets and help keep them from getting antsy if they don’t know when their next meal is coming.
How to Handle Multiple Pets With Different Feeding Times
This can be tricky. In an ideal world, you’d set out two labeled bowls, feed them at their respective times, and your pets would understand and respect the system.
But what about mischievous pets? What about grub snatchers? What if your pets haven’t quite reached that level of obedience training?
If your pets have different feeding schedules, you may want to consider multiple pet feeders—especially smart pet feeders.
The Pawsync Smart Pet Feeder allows you to create one meal plan per pet feeder. With smart scheduling, you can leave home knowing your pet will be fed the right amount of food at the right time.
Want to know one of its most coveted features? You can record a personalized meal call that’s up to 10 seconds long.
Let’s create a scenario. You have two well-trained dogs: Maizy and Spot. They’re both trained to respond to their names. You place Spot’s smart pet feeder in the kitchen and Maizy’s smart pet feeder in the dining room. At 12pm, Spot hears your recorded voice calling him to lunch in the kitchen. At 12:15pm, Maizy hears your recorded voice calling her to lunch in the dining room. They both get their meals, and you get peace of mind with an update from the Pawsync app that lets you know when and how much each dog ate thanks to the smart pet feeder’s integrated smart feeder scale.
Do Fights Occur Between Multiple Pets Because of Food?
Food is not only important to a pet’s survival, but it’s also a part of their social system. A pet will often establish dominance by eating first. If a pet tries to poach another pet’s meal, the offended party may respond with a warning growl and bared teeth. That’s why it’s important to keep your pet’s smart pet feeders separate. If they’re too close, your pets may be tempted to sneak bites from one another’s bowls.
If you do notice warning growls between your pets, don’t panic. This behavior is natural and necessary. It’s how they communicate that boundaries are being crossed. If you’d like to reinforce their separation during feedings, try standing between them while they eat. If one finishes first and wanders towards the other’s full bowl, gently move them away.
If you have multiple pets and a busy schedule, multiple smart pet feeders may make your life easier. Just remember that proper training and socialization are the keys to success in a household with multiple pets. Make sure your pets know you’re in charge and earn their trust with consistency by feeding them the right amount of food at the right time, every day. This kind of care shows your pet that you love them, you want what’s best for them, and that you’re someone they can rely on.
With the Pawsync Smart Pet Feeder, you can create an automatic feeding schedule for your pet and record a personalized meal call that lets them hear from their favorite person before every meal. Thanks to the integrated smart feeder scale, you’ll receive updates on how much, how long, and when they eat. These updates give you peace of mind when you’re away from home and provide insight into your pet’s overall well-being.
If Spot or Maizy is eating too fast, you can use the Smart Feeding Mode to dispense food in 30-second intervals, forcing them to eat slower. If you notice they’re not finishing meals, you can adjust their food amount accordingly or book an appointment with their veterinarian to see if they’re having any tummy issues. If you suspect your pet may have a health issue, always go to a licensed veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.
For households with multiple pets, having multiple pet feeders can make mealtimes easier. They’ll each have their own bowl and meal call, and the bond between you will only be strengthened through giving reliable meals customized to their needs.
Pet Industry Market Size, Trends & Pet Industry Statistics from APPA (americanpetproducts.org)
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