Are you measuring pet food properly?
We want to give our pets all the love and care they deserve. While we’re focused on finding them the right kibble brand or a comfy bed, it’s easy to forget that feeding them the right amount of food is vital for their health.
It might seem easy enough to grab a measuring cup and guesstimate their portion sizes, but this often leads to feeding them the wrong amount of food. When their next mealtime comes, you might be wondering if you’re underfeeding or overfeeding your pet.
A study done by the University of Guelph found that kibble portions are often given in wrong amounts. You might be surprised to learn that people underfed their pets* by 48% or overfed them by 152%.
This might not seem like a big deal, but these discrepancies can add up fast after multiple daily feedings. Prolonged underfeeding or overfeeding can eventually lead to a malnourished or obese pet. This puts them at risk of several obesity-related conditions . Obviously, no one wants this for their furry friends, so it’s important to feed them the right portions.
When you’re trying to figure out how much to feed your pet, there are several things to keep in mind such as their age, activity level, breed, and whether they’re neutered or spayed. For example, puppies need more calories and a different balance of nutrients than older pets. If your pet enjoys long naps and prefers not to get their heart rate up, they’ll naturally need less food than a more active pet who loves playing fetch all day. To simply things, try our convenient Feeding Calculator to help you determine what portion sizes are best for your pet.
Whether you’re a dog or cat parent, we also recommend consulting with your veterinarian to determine the best portion size for your pet’s meals. They're a vital resource to help you keep your pet healthy and keep those tails wagging.
Once you’ve figured out how much food your pet needs, you’ll need an accurate feeding method to help you at mealtime. Since measuring cups often lead to wrong portion sizes, it’s best to avoid this type of feeding. One of the best ways to measure your pet’s portion sizes is by weighing them with a scale.
With the Pawsync™ Smart Pet Feeder, you can keep your pet’s nutrition on point with accurate measurements down to the gram. Perfect for cats and dogs, our pet feeder features a built-in weighing scale that dispenses precise portions for your pet during mealtimes. This way, you can rest easy knowing your pet is always getting the perfect portions.
With the Pawsync™ Smart Pet Feeder at your side, you can give your pet the best care by prioritizing their health with accurate portions that are tailored just for them.
*This study used a control group consisting of dog owners.